Milk ATMs

The milk dispenser, commonly called Milk ATM Machine is made for dispensing fresh milk. This machine has an in built tank that can hold up to 300 liters. The milk vending machine has a cooler which helps keep the milk fresh for a long period of time. The milk vending machine has a PLC which performs all the technical functions of the machine which include resetting of the machine’s password, resetting the prices, checking daily and weekly sales and processing the sales as per the customer’s purchase.What is Milk ATM

They come in varying sizes and designs– portable and wall – such as 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 200 and even 1,000 litres. They are refrigerated to preserve milk and can dispense any denomination of milk in 100ml units.

The machine enables you to sell small amounts of milk depending with the amount of money the customer has to spend.

At Phymac Limited, we are the manufacturers & suppliers of high quality range of Stationary Milk Vending Machines. Since, our machine has been designed & developed totally on the ATM machine concept therefore we termed it as our ATM Machine. These Machines find their application in retail milk shops, small milk dairies & various other Industries. We have been able to gain appreciation from our reputed clients. Our Products are characterized by:

  • Fancy design
  • Hassle free working
  • User friendliness
  • Consistent accuracy
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Unmatched performance
  • Durability &
  • Long life.

Our Milk Vending Machines are of fully automatic and reliable due to the use of highest quality components. Our vendors manufacture this range keeping in mind the industry set quality polices and making uses of high-grade raw-material. We have customized solution specially designed as per customer requirement. Good customer service is critical and follows strict maintenance schedules to ensure long life for your valuable Milk Vending Machine Manufacturer.

Order a milk ATM from Phymac Limited today

Are you in the market for a top quality milk ATM? Place your order with us today. You can contact us through any of the means available for you like calls, WhatsApp, email, filling the contact form or leaving a message in the message box.

What is Milk ATM

Why Buy Milk ATM from Phymac Limited

  • Top quality milk ATMs

Its not just about following the above mentioned guide that matters to us, we have our own strict quality checklist that we adhere to. The guide mentioned above might guide on main components but for us we want to stick to an overall quality policy. This helps us manufacture high quality milk ATMs that last for a long time.

  • 1 year warranty

Our quality guarantee is supported by a 1 year warranty we give on all milk ATMs you purchase from us. You can therefore rest assured that you are buying high quality milk ATMs that will last you a long time without issues. This also helps your business keep operating without interruptions as a result of breakdowns which can lead to huge losses due to no sales or spoilt milk.

  • Countrywide delivery

Whichever part of Kenya you are in we can deliver there. We have partnered with some of the leading courier services providers with a countrywide reach to enable us deliver to our clients in different parts of the nation. We also deliver to major towns across East Africa.

  • Password protected

Another advantage of our milk ATMs is that they come with a password protected PLC. The PLC helps you calibrate prices and preserve sales records. Unless one has the password they are not able change prices or access the sales records. This helps you easily employ someone to operate it for you in your absence without fear of being cheated.

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