The Best Milk ATMs in Kenya

The Best Milk ATMs in Kenya

Milk is a daily household consumer commodity and always in demand. This means venturing into this kind of business you are guaranteed that you will get customers on a daily basis. If you are in the right location, you are guaranteed of good returns. However, you need one very important equipment to guarantee you success- a milk ATM. Phymac Ltd is a top manufacturer of the best milk ATMs in Kenya.

The best milk ATMs in Kenya

Having been in this business for close to 10 years now, we have the expertise to make highest quality milk ATMs you will ever come across in Kenya.  Below are some of the reasons we are the leading source for the best milk ATMs in Kenya.

Kenya Dairy Board approved

Phymac Ltd milk ATMs are Kenya Dairy Board approved. We follow the guidelines set by KDB in the manufacture of milk ATMs especially on the components and materials we use. One of the most important components Kenya Dairy Board are keen on ensuring it is adhered to is the pump. Not all pumps are suitable for handling a perishable human consumption commodity like milk.

KDB is very strict on ensuring that milk ATMs in the market are fitted with the right pumps and they have their field officers going round checking on this. If found to have unapproved pump on your ATM you risk heavy fines, licence revocation or even jail term. To ensure this is adhered to by our clients, we fit them with the recommended pumps.

High quality build

In addition to having our milk ATMs fitted with KDB approved pumps, we also ensure the other parts of the ATM are made of the highest quality. The bodies are made of high quality chillers meeting international standards. This gives them durability and long term service.

1 year warranty

Not only are our milk ATMs made of high quality parts and components but we also back you up with a 1 year warranty. Therefore in case of any technical malfunction, you are guaranteed of free technical service within the warranty period. You can therefore rest assured that you have a top quality milk ATM that will serve you a long time without any hitches. This ensures that your business operations will not be disrupted every now and then.

Installed with password input digital PLC

PLC is an acronym for programmable logical control unit. Which is an industrial computer system adapted for industrial processes to monitor or send commands to industrial machinery. They come in different forms, uses and capabilities. In our case it is a simple yet very capable and useful for the operations of a milk ATM.

The PLC is responsible for calibrating the prices and keeping sales records. Since these are very important aspects, it is necessary to protect them from manipulation/tampering and therefore the need for password protection. We install PLCs that have password input to prevent unauthorised persons from manipulating these two processes. Therefore even if you have employed someone else to operate the business they can’t tamper with them.

Countrywide delivery

Phymac Ltd has partnered with leading courier services providers with countrywide network to ensure that we serve all customers from all over Kenya. Therefore don’t be worried if we are able to serve you because of where you are. The item can be delivered to your doorstep or most convenient pickup location for you.

Option for custom branding

Do you prefer your Milk ATM to be custom branded? No worries, send us your artwork and we will ensure it’s reflected on the milk ATM body. Alternatively we can use our own branding template and just indicate your name. This is the easiest and cheaper option too.

Where to buy the best milk ATMs in Kenya

Are you in the market for a milk ATM? Phymac Ltd is a top manufacturer of the best milk ATMs in Kenya. Get in touch with us today to place your order or make an inquiry. The different options available for you to contact us are WhatsApp, email, calling, contact form or leaving a comment on this post.

We will revert to you soonest possible if not immediately.

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